Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Template CMD Script for App Installs

This is obviously bare-bones and will need to be modified to suit specific implementations.  There are dozens of ways to execute a software installation, including setup.exe files, extracting ZIP and other archive files, registering DLLs with REGSVR32, and the ugly-ass, vice-grip + screwdriver + duct tape approach where you manually build folder trees, copy files, register DLLs, add and modify registry keys and make or replace shortcuts.  Oh, the torture.

EDIT: Updated 7/30/2011 to include errorlevel 3010 (reboot pending)

@echo off
rem ****************************************************************
rem  Filename..: setup.cmd
rem  Author....: David M. Stein
rem  Date......: 07/30/2011
rem  Purpose...: install apps in controlled sequence
rem ****************************************************************
rem Additional Notes:
rem ****************************************************************
title Installing Applications
echo Installing Applications...
set APPNAME=MyApplicationSuite2011
set LOG=%TMP%\%APPNAME%_install.log
set MSI=/quiet /norestart
echo %DATE% %TIME% installing... %APPNAME%... >%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% source....... %~dps0 >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% target....... %COMPUTERNAME% >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% windir....... %WINDIR% >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% progfiles.... %PROGRAMFILES% >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% temp......... %TMP% >>%LOG%
echo ----------------------------------------------- >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% info: checking if application is already installed... >>%LOG%
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\FolderName\filename.exe" (
echo %DATE% %TIME% info: ## application is already installed >>%LOG%
) else (
echo %DATE% %TIME% info: ## installing application... >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% command = msiexec /i "%~dps0Folder\filename.msi" TRANSFORMS="%~dps0Folder\filename.MST" >>%LOG%
   msiexec /i "%~dps0Folder\filename.msi" TRANSFORMS="%~dps0Folder\filename.MST" %MSI%
   if %errorlevel%==0 (
      echo %DATE% %TIME% info: installation SUCCESSFUL >>%LOG%
   ) else (
      if %errorlevel%==3010 (
         echo %DATE% %TIME% info: installation SUCCESSFUL [reboot pending] >>%LOG%
      ) else (
         echo %DATE% %TIME% file: exit code is %errorlevel% >>%LOG%
         rem Raise error to parent process!!
         exit %errorlevel%

rem ------------------------------------------------
rem echo *** APPLICATION NAME 2 >>%LOG%
rem ------------------------------------------------
rem repeat code above with modifications as needed
rem ------------------------------------------------
echo %DATE% %TIME% info: adjusting application folder permissions... >>%LOG%
cacls "%ProgramFiles%\FolderName" /T /E /C /G Users:C
echo ----------------------------------------------- >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% info: applying attachmate file association fix... >>%LOG%
REG DEL HKCR\.xxx /f
REG ADD HKCR\.xxx /ve /d "ApplicationClass.ProgName.1" /f
echo ----------------------------------------------- >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% info: adjusting registry permissions... >>%LOG%
REGINI.exe %~dps0customregsettings.ini
echo ----------------------------------------------- >>%LOG%
echo %DATE% %TIME% completed! result code: %errorlevel% >>%LOG%
rem Raise error to parent process!!
exit %errorlevel%

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